Beginners Guide
How to get started collecting masks
This free guide will teach you what look for when buying a mask. You’ll learn where to find great masks and what to avoid.
This guide includes the story of how I got started.
Amazing adventures are awaiting you!
Masks of the World
Over 1,000 different masks shown and described
Most of mankind’s cultural diversity is displayed on more than 200 pages, including 12 chapters divided into different geographical areas, plus two more titled “Protection & Protest” and “Steampunk & Sex.” Everything is well organized, beautifully photographed, and easy to read.
Coming Soon

2022 Masks of the World Collectors Edition
This is a work in progress. Collectors are invited to show us and tell us about their favorite masks in their collections.

Yokai Field Guide
Revealing my time and studies in Japan, the Yohn’s Field Guide includes useful identification information paired with over 300 illustrated Yokai and known habitations.
The Yokai in this guide were chosen for their extraordinary characteristics and behaviors. They are sometimes common but more often than not the strangest, most mysterious, and shrewdest all combined with the likelihood of encounters.
The guide includes detailed descriptions, important behavioral information, habitat preferences range maps, detailing winter, summer, year-round ranges.

30 Illustrated Iconic Masks
You’ll learn why these masks are consider iconic and why you you should make them a part of your collection.
You’ll see 30 beautifully illustrated masks along with details and price guide.