Hi, I'm Troy. I'm an adventurer, writer and part mad scientist. I write about ethnographic items, folklore and legends


Finding Masks

Not to long ago I spend a few weeks in Romania exploring the country (I got to hike alone in the “most haunted forest in the world”) and looking for authentic cloth folk masks.  It was a challenge finding masks.  Hours and hours of searching in several cities and small towns only to be told they didn’t know where I could find one.  This isn’t unusual, it often takes me days and days to uncover an authentic mask.  Believe it or not, I oftentimes find masks from other countries in local thrift shops or antique shops but not the indigenous people mask I’m hoping to find.

If you’re interested in having me find a unique authentic mask to add to your collection, feel free to contact me and hopefully I can find you a great mask!



Hoia Forest, Romania – said to be the most haunted forest in the world!